Chew,Chew Swallow

Who knew that chew chew swallow would be so complicated?? Who know that Eddy controlled that as well. The never ending vacum that Eddy created skips over the chewing proccess.Leaves you feeling like you havent eaten anything convincing your mind and body that you need more food. I didn't know how hard it was to slow down until I tried; and realized it was Eddy not wanting me to sit and chew. He just wants me to inhale;to constantly feel empty so he can keep running the show his way. I haven't figured out what show Eddy is trying to run, I mean I know its the classic binge,don't eat,shame,repeat cycle; but where does Eddy start and finish his work? And how many minions does he have working for him? Eddy has many shapes and colors;most of which I havent figured out yet. Well for now I guess I'll just keep trying to practice chewing and slowing down while I do so.

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Socks,Shoes & Me