30 things I learned in my first 30 days in rehab
- The walls that surround your castle of a soul; fall down fast, but even faster with the right psychologist.
- Naming voices in your head is healthy, and while it strengthens them momentarily it gives you the start of tearing them down.
- Being around lots of people doesn't invalidate your feelings of being alone, and sometimes even helps rid the feeling.
- Relationships with food, yourself, and others get more complicated before it gets easier.
- The fear of bordream really comes from the fear of being alone with yourself and your boxes in the attic of your mind.
- Group therapy isn't as scary as it seems and while judging is normal;you can also feel validated and less alone.
- Mandated eating with people is terrifiying;but everyone has personal issues and sitting around the same table makes it easier rather than harder.
- The wall of "not caring&feeling" leads to so much more pain;just feel in each moment.
- Just because you thought you got over hating yourself and disability doesn't invalidate the feelings from returning.
- Slowing down and actually chewing food;to alieviate feelings of hunger is incredibly hard for me.
- I have more OCD tendincies then I'd like to admit;and Ed enhances them with my eating habits.
- I feel worse around fat people as I feel like I fit in,which then leads me to remove myself from interactions with them.
- Ed controls a lot of my all or nothing personality part of me.
- I use sleep as an escape tool rather then sitting and proccessing my feelings.
- Sport is a double edged sword for me and I have not yet learned to enjoy the training without feeling like I have to restrict to look better and be stronger.
- The more you open up and process;leaves you with more space to do other things.
- Reading is hard when it can't quiet your mind.
- Music is salve for my soul; and when I forget that, I pay.
- You are allowed to love and feel the loss from things that you used to have.
- The waves of feelings come and go;embrace the highs and lows,but don't try to ride the dead wave.
- Normal and crazy are defined by you,when you define yourself as crazy it enhances the panic.
- The clearer your sense of self the less you need to be alone to feel like yourself.
- Not everyones journey intersects and it doesn't invalidate any of the journeys.
- Just because a tool has worked in the past does not mean it has to work now.
- Feel phsyical pain;even if you can't understand why and how to fix it;its less angering.
- You are enough every single minute of every single day.
- Mess ups are part of the process;embrace them and learn,and grow from them.
- Regulation takes a while for your body;numbers are not everything.
- There are more fears in your mind then at the meeting.
- On your own time;change will come don't rush it,but don't be afraid to try.