"You Can't See Me"
You Can't See Me
You can't see my identity
'Cause you can't see past your own
You can't see my pain
'Cause you believe in imaginary healing
You can't see me crumble under secrets
'Cause your backs already broken by yours
You can't see my desires and needs
'Cause they conflict with your misunderstanding
You can't see the importance of acceptance
'Cause you've never accepted yourself
You cant let go of changing me
'Cause you're still trying to change yourself
You can't see the hurt you caused
'Cause you're too busy blocking out pain
You can't see you turned the home into a house
'Cause you're still stuck in your dream mansion
You can't see me
Because you've chosen not to
I can see myself
Because I have chosen to
ps: thank you, John Cena, for the idea for this poem, although I'm not sure thats where you wanted your mantra to go.