Birthday Celebrations

Celebrating birthdays has always been something I have shied away from. A large part of it has been due to the fact I never accepted myself and have constantly been fighting my disability. Fighting my disability has led to a direct hate of my body and therefore my entire being.
This year I've been trying to approach my birthday differently. I still have a hard time discussing plans and the idea of a cake. At first I shied away completely when my mom tried to talk about anything related to birthday. Baby steps are an amazing feeling though. Firstly my mom wanted to buy me a gift-which for my parents is usually jewelry, so I was able to discuss with my mom over the phone and pictures which store and pair of earrings I decided to choose. Step number two was when I went downstairs to light candles for shabbos (which in itself is a step,but that is for another time) there had been an awesome balloon set up attached to my wheelchair,by my one and only sister. I actually managed to let myself smile and laugh,even singing a bar or two of Taylor Swifts "22".My sister came down and sang a bit with me as well. The third baby step was to take some photos of the balloons and me having some fun in my chair with the balloons. So here is to more laughter,love and fun for my 23rd year

Listening to Silent Soul Tugs


Hands carrying lead ropes of barbed wire