Hat on, Self Confidence came to visit
So Purim, it's the Jewish equivalent of Halloween. Well, sort of it really has nothing to do with death and a lot more to do with once again the jews being saved by the bell and the way we celebrate is with partying of course but dressing up as well. So for years, I haven't gotten dressed up. I used to claim that my school didn't let which was true in middle school and high school according we weren't allowed to get dressed up for modesty reasons the schools used to claim. I guess it was an easy out for me as I never felt I had the confidence or reason to look different and take on a character I wished to portray. This Purim I was down by family friends and when the woman of the house asked me if I wanted to wear a funny hat I actually went along with it and wore a bee hat. So yea it wasn't a full get up but after probably at least 8 years of not dressing up, it was a big step for me. It's crazy how the little things impact you and how you feel if you pay enough attention I had a good rest of the day even though I have never liked this holiday due to the excess drinking and excuses people come up with based on religion to do what they want. It didn't last forever as in the morning when we went out to hear the megilla reading the second time, I wasn't able to garner the same confidence to go outside to a strip mall wearing the hat. So mixed results to the experiement on self confidence but I will take the 45 minutes on one evening and ride that wave until the next time.