chocolate-peanut butter oatmeal cookies

Hey Whiskers 
So cookies are always a good thing, right? So it was the one year anniversary of my best friends mom's passing.Her family had basically become my family in middle school and high school so, when it came a time to make something for the memorial dinner, aI jumped at the cause. So these cookies were kind of a brain child of what we actually had in the house to bake with as well as an homage to what Mrs Tzippora loved to eat,and bake for children. So peanut butter and chocolate oatmeal cookies came to be. Here is a really simple one bowl delicious cookie to make people smile.I used chocolate spread as I am trying to empty our pantry,but any type of chocolate melted with some buttter or oil should be fine. Let's get whisking.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 8 minutes
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup chocolate spread/melted chocolate
3/4 brown sugar
2 1/2 rolled oats
2 large eggs
1 teapspoon baking soda

How To
1.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
2.In a bowl, cream together the peanut butter,chocolate spread and brown sugar until fluffy.
3.Beat in the eggs until well combined.
4.Add the oats and baking soda. Mix well.
5.Drop the cookies onto the prepared baking sheet by tablespoonfuls.
Bake for 6 – 9 minutes.
Cool completely on wire racks.Store in an airtight container.
This recipe is an easy pantry based delicious chewy cookie.You could freeze them I'm sure they would taste great cold as well,but these didn't make it to the freezer.
Enjoy,share to make people smile,until the next time


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